Pierre Boulez, post surgery, pulls out of Lucerne

Pierre Boulez, post surgery, pulls out of Lucerne


norman lebrecht

August 15, 2014

The aged composer, in his 90th year and unlucky with his health, has pulled out of his last remaining engagement – a teaching presence at the Lucerne Festival.

Here’s the overnight statement:

boulez lucerne


Owing to a shoulder operation from which he is still recuperating, Pierre Boulez, the Artistic Director of the LUCERNE FESTIVAL ACADEMY, must forego his trip to Lucerne for the time being, to his great regret. He still hopes to be able to come at the end of the Festival. Boulez had planned to be present in Lucerne during this year’s Academy, though without taking on conducting duties.


(photo: last year’s festival)



  • Dr Peter Lim says:

    Thanks–I am trying to listen for to his music