Announcing new partners for Slipped Disc

Announcing new partners for Slipped Disc


norman lebrecht

July 16, 2014

Eagle-eyed readers will have seen a liquid stream of news running at the bottom of the Slipped Disc main page. It comes from our former hosts,, who are happy to continue that relationship with a reciprocal stream of stories.

(Thanks, Doug.)

Also uploaded today is our new community page, occupied by Hello Stage. Click the Community tag at the top of the page to see more.

Hello Stage, based in Vienna, is an international platform that hosts the websites of hundreds of classical artists and singers, as well as dozens of classical institutions. Instead of having a website that exists in isolation, you can link to HS and be part of a global community.

Every day, HS will display new pages and videos by its member artists. It doesn’t cost much to join, and from today your website will be seen not only by HS members but by the entire readership…. a matter of 1.25 million readers every month.

Take a look.



  • Theodore McGuiver says:

    Nice developments, thanks. When can we have our ‘Recent Comments’ section, though? It really helps to keep articles off page one alive.