Agents alert: someone is stealing your data

Agents alert: someone is stealing your data


norman lebrecht

June 19, 2014

We’ve received this warning from a niche European agency:

We agents are somewhat baffled by a rogue website which has, without permission, incorporated information about various agencies and their artists, mostly incomplete and incorrectly spelled.

The European Association of Artists Agents has put it on its forum for discussion. This website is available in numerous languages – I checked the German, which is lousy, the French looks like a Google translation

We won’t name the website, for obvious reasons, but you may need to watch out.

Outcome? Result here.



  • 10communications consulting says:

    Are you shure the data has been “stealed”? Remember that when you’re using services like YouTube or Hotmail, you hand out userrights over the exchanged data to the service-providers. So maybe no one stealed but bought userrights to gave out yourselves!