Maid of Orleans to relaunch rocky Bolshoi

Maid of Orleans to relaunch rocky Bolshoi


norman lebrecht

February 06, 2014

The Russian press are reporting that the new music director, Tugan Sokhiev, has chosen one of Tchaikovsky’s less-known operas to open his first season in September.

The tradition, lapsed in recent years, is that the Bolshoi must open with a Russian work. In Soviet times, it was always Ivan Susanin, by Glinka.



  • It’s a good piece; I did it in Germany (in concert) a few years back. In French.

  • Boycotting all things Russian until they repeal and disavow their anti-gay legislation, and reverse the attempted genocide of LGBT.

  • Brian says:

    Now if somebody would only do it without cuts. Even the Melodiya recordings are blue pencilled.