Young musician appeals: Please help get my journalist mother out of Turkish jail

Young musician appeals: Please help get my journalist mother out of Turkish jail


norman lebrecht

December 05, 2013

The Royal Conservatoire in The Hague today issued the following notice. Please share it widely:


‘We would like to ask your attention for our student Aktas Erdogan’s journalist mother. She has been in prison for 7 years in Turkey and on the 5th of November she was given a life sentence. Erdogan: “This demonstration is about the freedom of press and about my mother, so we will be protesting to Turkey. The aim is to have a lot of effect on Turkish authorities in the international arena. In that way we can make their decision change at a higher court.”‘

fusun erdogan


  • I thought that the life sentence is for terrorists, assasins, violators…

    Shameful, anyhow. Doesn’t matter what she wrote or said.

  • Oceansurfer says:

    So there is no difference between the American and Turkish government…..

  • Emine Akcali says:

    Dit is een straf tegen de moed van vrij durven denken en doen,

    Helaas, tientallen mensen leven nog steeds in deze omstandigheden.