Munich's new, blue Rheingold: when the underwear came off

Munich's new, blue Rheingold: when the underwear came off


norman lebrecht

February 06, 2012

with Johan Reuter (Wotan), Sophie Koch (Fricka).


  • Christopher Oakmount says:

    Reminds me of “Hair”, when nudity was still shocking, and not just embarrassing 😉 But not having seen the Munich Rheingold, I really should refrain from nasty comments; undoubtably this is all part of a brilliant overall design that brings out new depths of Wagner’s creation ….

  • Janey says:

    Did Sophie Koch sing at the prima? I had heard she was ill.

  • rudolf grainger says:

    Wolfgang, not Sophie Koch was replaced on opening night. And yes, CO, ignorance from afar does not become anyone.