Too fat to enjoy concerts

Too fat to enjoy concerts


norman lebrecht

January 20, 2012

A concertgoer at Symphony Hall, Birmingham, found that excess weight prevented her from enjoying the music. Jacquie Wittstock said she spent much of the time worrying how her bulk affected the people around her. She eventually decided that the only way to go to concerts was to lose weight.

She shed 11 stone (about 70kg)  in 16 months, almost half her previous weight.

Before weight-loss

Weightwatchers is claiming credit for her reduction (and seem to be behind the story). Others might ascribe Jacquie’s transformation to the power of music. Your call.


  • Ziggy says:

    At >22st, the lady was dangerously overweight. I’m delighted for her success! and I hope she enjoys more concerts in future. A pity we don’t get to see the new slim frame. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if concert or opera house management rewarded such weight loss with half-price seats? Many more (including me) might lose those excess pounds..
    Now can someone do something about the fellow concert-goers (usually male) who fail to wash regularly? That puts me off the music more effectively than any flab..