They’re playing 15 free Mozart-Strauss-Tchaik concerts a month in downtown Hanoi. Who for?  “The audience is expected to consist of tourists, passers-by, taxi drivers and street hawkers. All we need is three seconds of their attention.”

Read on.


Swings and roundabouts. The two majors who pulled out last week are back in.

Or so they say. Both sides are playing games.

Who loses? You and me.

Read on here.

The Purcell School, whose headmaster left in mid-term, has written to parents assuring them that there is nothing whatsoever to worry about.

Nobody has done anything wrong. The school has just given a wonderful concert. Smile, dear parents. Your higher-than-Eton fee is well invested. Why don’t you join the parents’ council we’re thinking of forming?

Well, that sounds like progress on the former stonewall approach, but I’m not sure that will do the trick. There are all sorts of legalities to observe, but parental concerns continue to find independent expression.