Something rotten in the state of Denmark

Something rotten in the state of Denmark


norman lebrecht

October 18, 2011

The New York Times today reports that Nicholas Huebbe has signed on for another five years as artistic director of Royal Danish Ballet.

It does not mention that the Ballet is mired in a massive cocaine scandal centred on Huebbe and his circle. The matter has been public knowledge for months and is being swept under a Copenhagen carpet.

Hard to tell which is worse – the Danish Ballet turning a blind eye to drug abuse or the New York Times turning a blind eye to truth.

Oh, it’s by Daniel J. Wakin: sign of an unrecycled press release.



  • KenD says:

    The company is doing well, I hear.

  • Marion Jones says:

    Or maybe the media in Denmark are making a big fuzz about nothing. As I heard – it was all based on rumours.