Independent video of the anti-Israel Proms attack

Independent video of the anti-Israel Proms attack


norman lebrecht

September 02, 2011

I am posting three clips of video taken by a young friend at last night’s disrupted concert with the aim of countering the self-glorifying propaganda videos coming from the perpetrators themselves.

You’ll find the clips here:

and here:
The person who took them can be heard shouting ‘stop it!’, to loud applause from those around him. Gil Shaham, who emerged with huge credit, returned to play a solo encore.
The clips remind me of the way the Nazis broke up leftwing political meetings in Weimar Germany.
Here’s an excellent account of the events from Igor Toronyi-Lalic at theartsdesk.


  • ulyssesjj says:

    Peaceful protest is an important pillar of our or any democracy – the operative word being ‘peaceful’.

  • Apparently there were also protests at an Israel Philharmonic concert in Carnegie Hall last February, but only outside the hall. About 70 people were involved. Video here:

  • Well, perhaps this represents the “new model” in concert going, where you find interactive audiences…