From next Monday, and daily throughout the holiday period, I shall be offering free classical downloads on this site from two of the most attractive boutique labels, a pair of independent outlets that do not get as much attention as their output deserves. 

Both happily responded to my invitation to warm your firesides in the coming slowdown with samples of their best pieces from the past few months and, wait for it, some sneaky peeks at their new releases from major artists the New Year.
Names, and all else, will be revealed on Monday morning. In the meantime, pin back your ears and await a few festive treats, courtesy of the happy holidayers at SlippedDisc.

From next Monday, and daily throughout the holiday period, I shall be offering free classical downloads on this site from two of the most attractive boutique labels, a pair of independent outlets that do not get as much attention as their output deserves. 

Both happily responded to my invitation to warm your firesides in the coming slowdown with samples of their best pieces from the past few months and, wait for it, some sneaky peeks at their new releases from major artists the New Year.
Names, and all else, will be revealed on Monday morning. In the meantime, pin back your ears and await a few festive treats, courtesy of the happy holidayers at SlippedDisc.