Ex-Sydney Con chief lands new job

Ex-Sydney Con chief lands new job


norman lebrecht

May 28, 2018

Kim Walker, one of the swing-door chiefs of the Sydney Conservatorium in the past decade, has been named director of Texas Tech University School of Music.

It’s in Lubbock, deep in the heart of.

Proof there is life after Oz.

Press releaseĀ here.


  • BillG says:

    An added benefit(?) the country side around Lubbock will certainly remind her of the Outback.

  • RW2013 says:

    serves her right.

  • lbk says:

    You should really follow up on this. It’s going…well, pretty much exactly like it did at the Con.

  • btglbk says:

    You should really follow up on this. It’s going, well…it’s going pretty much like it did at the Con.

  • cilbk says:

    can confirm what’s aforementioned, a repeat of the Con, perhaps at an accelerated speed, even…

  • Yee haw says:

    Follow up PLEASE!!! Things are shady in Lubbock…

  • cilbk says:

    not anymore