A really useful concert piece for the weekend

A really useful concert piece for the weekend


norman lebrecht

November 17, 2017

The #1 cellist is trying so hard not to crack up.


  • boringfileclerk says:

    Ah yes, P.D.Q’ Bach’s lost “Cocktail Cantata”.

  • Ravi Narasimhan says:

    Approved by Padre Martini.

  • John Greenwood says:

    For the sake of “historically informed performance, aka. HIP, I would suggest an “Old Fashioned!”

  • John Borstlap says:

    It is so completely lacking any humour. And then people are amazed that classical music is loosing credibily.

  • Bruce says:


    (And probably much harder than it looks to do all that while singing)

  • Nerak says:

    People are also amazed that someone who can’t spell expects to be taken seriously.

  • richard carlisle says:

    Seems to indicate any situation can be turned into opera … a billion more scenarios await.

  • Britcellist says:

    The woman is first cello, she’s playing continuo while the singer sings, her stand partner will come in on the ripieno when the rest of the orchestra plays.

  • Michelle says:

    Keren Hadar is an AMAZING soprano!! This singer is incredible!!!!

    • richard carlisle says:

      With all the physical gyrations — incredible control … would like to hear more from her with better conditions.