Putin drops in on Gergiev’s private concert hall

Putin drops in on Gergiev’s private concert hall


norman lebrecht

June 03, 2017

The Russian president gave his personal blessing today to the hall his trophy conductor built in his garden at Repino.

Everyone who is anyone was there.

More here.



  • Alexander says:

    I would never be so meticulous to dig in those sources you found ( I mean that Russian site) – so – get it as it is :
    1. This superb luxury toy has been designed by the star French architect and the same star Japanese acoustic engineer ( Japanese Prime Minister is to attend “Giselle” ballet at the Bolshoi in Moscow today, just F.Y.I.)
    2. Main part of the future audience will be pensioners, low-income citizens and ( of course) kids and children – I believe it 200% ( knowing Russian mentality a bit)
    3. Worlds’ top Tchaikovsky competitions will held their auditions and rehearsals there as the one of their alternative stages
    4. The same Japanese acoustic engineer will arrange the acoustics for the new(sic!) philharmonic hall in downtown Moscow ( luxurious one for regular people, is to open in 2018 or so – just from memory)
    5. I wrote here before I spent an evening attending top world’s coloratura recital, that coloratura has her own summer cottage not so far from that hall and she is to sing there I think ( her name is Oxana Shilova, I told you about her private recital in London for some business folk recently). By the way that lady is the very charm and a happy mom and wife ( just so).

    The question is – were you really going to bite Putin and Gergiev once again with this note or you are their influencer ? 😉

  • Wiener says:
