Just in: German orchestra fires Spanish music director

Just in: German orchestra fires Spanish music director


norman lebrecht

April 07, 2017

A vote of no confidence by musicians in the Halle state orchestra has apparently led the city to terminate the contract of general music director Josep Caballé-Domenech after a single term. He will leave in the middle of next year.

The musicians’ decision took the city council by surprise. They avoided naming it as a cause for the conductor’s dismissal.

Josep Caballé-Domenech, 44, is also music director of the Colorado Springs Philharmonic and an international guest conductor . Some musicians felt he spent too much time commuting.

First report here.

photo: Rolex


  • Scott Fields says:

    As I read it, his contract was not renewed. It wasn’t terminated.

  • Luciano says:

    Not terminated and he will have been there for five years too when he leaves. Not exactly unusual.

  • Robert Holmén says:

    I wonder what “too much commuting” really is.

    I presume he led all the rehearsals and performances he was committed to do under his contract. The “commuting” is something he does on his time when not committed to Halle, right?

    So… what was he not doing that they thought he should be doing?

  • Selim says:

    “Dass ein Misstrauensvotum der
    Not very accurate information Norman:

    Orchestermusiker diese Entscheidung ausgelöst habe, verneinte Stadtsprecher Drago Bock”