Speight Jenkins: Too much accurate singing, not enough emotion or abandon

Speight Jenkins: Too much accurate singing, not enough emotion or abandon


norman lebrecht

August 02, 2015

In a blog that starts out criticising present-day critics and ends up lacerat the singing profession, the retired general director of Seattle Opera lets fly with a few home truths.

This post has belatedly been brought to our attention. It is well worth a few moments of yours. Read here.



  • william osborne says:

    It’s true that one might long for singers like Maria Callas who gave so much of her inner-world in performance. But in a country that ranks 39th in the world for opera performances per capita, behind almost every European country, there seem to be more pressing problems. Seattle, for example, where Mr. Jenkins was the Director for many years, ranks 258th among cities for opera performances per year. Is this acceptable in a very wealthy city that is home to firms like Microsoft and Boeing?