Police ‘arrest husband’ of murdered pianist

Police ‘arrest husband’ of murdered pianist


norman lebrecht

August 31, 2015

The Daily Mail, which gets good police leaks, is reporting that John Martin, husband and manager of the pianist Natalia Strelchenko, has been arrested in connection with her murder.

Martin, 48, is a double-bass player. The Mail and other papers vastly inflate the extent of Natalia’s career and Martin’s involvement in it.

Read the report here.

natalia strelle




  • Jonathan Cavett Dunsby says:

    ==vastly inflate the extent of Natalia’s career

    MInd you, her site shows good reviews from The Times, Independent, Guardian & Musical Opinion

  • Una says:

    She had a fine career, inflated report.or.not. Now she’s dead. Having the husband or partner arrested would be normal for a crime committed in a private family home. Whether.he is charged is another story. Awfully sad if he is and a 14 year old boy left to.pick up the pieces of life’s mess.

  • Respect says:

    Vastly inflated is an accurate assessment, the playing on the video doesn’t match that of a gifted 13 year old. I feel enormous empathy for thr tragedy, but this amateur level music making. It may make for a more sensational story to pretend this is a distinguished musician, but doesn’t do anything for a human being who is the victim of horrific domestic violence.

    • Alexander says:

      The Daily Mail unfortunately chose a poor amateur recording for their story, probably because nobody at the Daily Mail knows the first thing about music. There are much better recordings readily available. It is true that there has been a certain amount of exaggeration, but this often happens when the media report on a subject about which they know relatively little. In a quite different context, the careers of musicians such as Nicholas Smith, John Briggs, and Robin Zebaida have all also been greatly exaggerated, presumably through journalistic ignorance. But what must be said here is that Natalia Strelchenko was quite clearly something other than an amateur musician, and she was obviously considerably more able than a gifted 13-year-old.

  • Songfest says:

    She was a highly skilled, well developed instrumentalist & respected musician who was dedicated to her art – and she was the victim of an unspeakable crime. OK, so she wasn’t a world renowned star, but that hardly matters. The world needs more people like her, and so this is a tremendous loss for all those who had the privilege to know her, to work with her, and to hear her perform.

  • Olga says:

    It appears that Natalia Strelchenko also had a parallel life as a belly dancer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHe9E7edMuk