Violin stolen on camera is found in Utah

Violin stolen on camera is found in Utah


norman lebrecht

June 27, 2014

John Shin, who posted video of his violin being stolen, has got it back. All’s well that ends well. No word yet on the fate of the thief.

Here’s what John has just posted:


stolen violin1

Dear friends/colleagues/musicians/people, 

I sincerely thank all of you for the incredible past 2 weeks. 
Not only was I able to experience all kinds of emotions and gain wisdom, most importantly, I was reminded that I am surrounded by incredible friends, musicians, and colleagues who has been caring, supportive, and thoughtful during my difficult time. I know I act foolish, immature, and insensitive from time to time, but you have been much “bigger” than I am during those times. I am flattered to have such people around me and I appreciate you guys for everything.

Also, I am proud to say that… as of 10:00 PM, June 26, 2014… my violin has been finally recovered!! I thank and honor Ethan and Tim for finding my instrument and reporting it to the police and also notifying the University of Utah music department. The instrument is in perfect cosmetic condition and I am planning to take it down to the maker for a check up as soon as possible. What’s odd is that the suspect took the most random items from my case… pencils, nail-clipper, used violin strings, my inspirational photos of Kogan, Kavakos, and Oistrakh/Menuhin, metronome, and electronic thermometer. He also took a bow but it was a free bow that was given to me previously and not my main bow…Talk about my luck!!
THANK YOU EVERYONE! (now off to practicing)


h/t: Holly Mulcahy


  • Martha says:

    Great, congratulations for the recovery.
    I think your story was an important reminder to
    everyone that one does not leave instruments lying around unattended in public places! You were lucky, the next person may not be. Enjoy having your violin back!